Antidotes to Winter and On to a New Year

We don’t travel all the time. A few years ago, I thought a full-time nomadic life was what I wanted but experience, life, and a few years of long haul travel have taught me otherwise. Since we live in a semi-resort town filled with lots of opportunities for wonderful outdoor activities in any season, home is a great place to be.

In December, I enrolled in a XC ski class, my second go round with this particular class. As a group, we headed out to local snow parks for lessons. While it is doubtful I’ll ever progress much beyond an intermediate beginner, I enjoy the sport and especially spending time in the beautiful forests.


Some of the group, still upright…….

Most participants, out on skis for the first time, spent lots of time tumbling in the snow, landing in embarrassing contorted positions, forced to find creative ways of ultimately uprighting themselves. After the class, I wondered how many of the fallen skiers would continue with the sport or switch to snowshoeing.


Beautiful and peaceful

Today R and I will head to a snow park with our snowshoes and enjoy a peaceful New Year’s Day morning hike in the forest.

Whatever your antidote to winter is, whatever wonderful plans you have for this new year of opportunities — Happy New Year! Life is short. Make the most of it.
