More of Life During the Pandemic


Big Summit Prairie in the Ochoco National Forest, our first visit there.  We visited a little late for wildflowers but enjoyed the area anyway.

I’ve stopped counting how many days we’ve been sheltering in place. How long doesn’t really matter. In May, much of Oregon reopened with Phase 1 restrictions and some places, like Bend, moved into Phase 2 in June while other areas, because of outbreaks, lingered in Phase 1. As a recreational destination, Bend welcomes lots of tourists seasonally and tourists are here, seeking some form of modified summer fun, though not necessarily safely. But if one is of a certain age (over 60) and has underlying conditions, life is pretty much still locked down to medical visits, strategic trips to the grocery store, and precious time spent outdoors.

The time outside, in nature, has made sheltering tolerable for these two aging, at risk, seniors who hope, in the future, to travel again.

I’m sure you’ve read story after story about the stress reducing and healing power of spending time in nature. Experts encourage people to take time in nature, while still social distancing and wearing a mask around others. We’ve used our time to explore places new to us and to revisit some favorites.


Another view of the beautiful Big Summit Prairie


With a friend, we took a socially-distancing, mask wearing hike on the Peter Skene Ogden Trail from McKay campground. This is a spectacular waterfall hike.



Paulina Falls, an old favorite that did not disappoint.


Our first kayaking trip of this strange season was to Crane Prairie, an area new to us. Our friend Lynda and her sweet Chica kayaked with us and Lynda pointed out lots of birds. Here they are about to be launched while a mama duck with her ducklings look on.


Crane Prairie 


I miss wildlife viewing but seeing this beaver lodge has to do for now — even though we did not see any beaver.  I’ve longingly looked at photos from Yellowstone, Galapagos, Africa, Baja and wondered…..will I travel again? I hope so.


And finally, we took a hike along the Fall River Trail, a new hike for us. Happily, wildflowers were still in bloom.

That’s how we are trying to stay sane. How about you?