Hooray, We Made it to Labor Day…

I thought Americans were supposed to stay close to home this summer, thereby protecting themselves and others from COVID-19.  That’s what we thought, what my  friends thought, what we were told. Apparently, the message wasn’t sent to people in neighboring and far away states because tourists are visiting Oregon from California, Washington, New York, Florida, New Hampshire, Maryland, Texas, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Idaho, Tennessee ….and on. On any given day in our neighborhood, we can see 15 or more out-of-state cars. This we find discouraging, especially since adherence to the mandatory mask requirement is woefully inconsistent.

But let’s move on — we made it to Labor Day….the last holiday of summer and traditionally the time when tourists return to their own cities and states. Here’s hoping that happens.

So what have we been up to this last part of summer while avoiding contact with tourists and others?

Lu doing what she likes doing — sleeping

Lu playing hard to get with her friend Chica

We adopted a two year-old female street dog from Guadalajara. On days when I’ve run out of ways to entertain myself before cocktail hour, I photograph the dog, brush the dog, walk the dog, feed the dog and love the dog. She is a sweet addition to our lives.

We kayaked on Hosmer Lake where we struggled to avoid unmasked people at the launch but loved seeing ducklings.

We were masked

Adorable ducklings

And more adorable ducklings

We kayaked with friends on Little Cultus, a beautiful, not as heavily trafficked lake about an hour from our home and visited Crater Lake National Park, about two hours from our home. The park was packed with out-of-state visitors who we avoided. Felt wonderful to view that magnificent lake.

Lu seems indifferent to large bodies of water

A friend guided us on a special hike to a magical little area of the forest. Who knew such beauty existed in Central Oregon.

Deer chewing our neighbor’s bush…He is a beauty.

That’s it. Stay safe and healthy and sane……