Another Summer of Pandemic Life, or Not?

Before we ponder the question above, looks like I haven’t posted for quite awhile. What have you been up to? 

Just before July 4, Oregon reached its vaccination goal of vaccinating 70% of those eligible. That’s good news. However, our cases are high in the county we live in and certainly out-of-proportion with our population. That’s not good news. Once again, we are flooded with tourists— mostly from California, Washington, and Idaho but people from all states are visiting Bend. Who knows if they are vaccinated or not? They certainly are not wearing masks.

Thus my sanity project continues.

What’s kept us mostly sane over the last six months?

We are fully vaccinated -first R and then me. That means some basics of life— doc appointments, hair cuts (I went 15 months cutting my own hair), inside visits to stores— have resumed. Eating inside restaurants is still off the list but outside dining is fine, and we wear masks.

We’ve hiked frequently and during the winter the badlands was a favorite.

Interesting arrangement of wood.

With friends, we visited the Summer Lake Wildlife area, a new place for us.

Summer Lake Wildlife Refuge where we saw lots of birds

In Spring, we headed to Lincoln City on the coast for some serious time staring at the ocean, walking the beaches, and eating seafood and taking in the dazzling sunsets. 

Pretty, isn’t it?

Oregon coast never disappoints.

With friends, we kayaked.

R enjoying a paddle.

Admired wildflowers

Celebrated a birthday at the coast, sitting outside on a patio, eating and listening to music with our best girl, Lu.

Lu refused to join us in this photo, perhaps because we look demonic….

We hiked Ecola State Park, a beautiful coastal rainforest.

And then, Lu had hip surgery…….

Like all dogs, she hates the cone. But she really wears it well.

Who knows what the rest of summer will bring. Perhaps more tourists, extreme heat and if history repeats, the risk of fires. Oh and those damn variants. Stay safe. Mask up. Respect others and have fun…..

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