A Summer at home and the power of nature

IMG_0238.jpgI have a new camera….a birthday gift. This beauty was in my front yard.

For the first summer since we moved to Bend almost five years ago, we decided to hang around just about the whole summer. When you live in a place as beautiful as Bend, a place blessed with rivers, lakes, mountains, and beer — that’s not much of a sacrifice. By the way, I don’t drink beer.

We’ve spent lots of the summer outside, enjoying nature. You’ve probably read stories about the benefits of spending time in nature. According to current research, even five minutes participating in “green exercise” like cycling, walking, or hiking can improve mood and leave one feeling revitalized. That’s significant. Given the chaotic, upsetting, disturbing times in the states, feeling better for even five minutes is….something good.

What have we been up to?


Hiking Sahalie Falls and Tamolitch Pool.  Lynne & Lynda above.


We”ve been kayaking. Thank you Lynda for this photo from a birding outing on Hosmer Lake.


We rode up the ski lift (!!) to join friends for dinner with a view. Nice view, huh?


We kayaked more….weekly, I think.


We protested — not in nature, note the cars but it was a way of channeling anger and frustration.

We listened to family members make music, joined friends and family celebrating life, drank, ate, attended concerts, and practiced tai chi. But in nature, on the hiking trail or in my kayak, I felt the best.

Hope you continue to enjoy what is left of this fleeting summer.